Thursday, March 27, 2008

Day 24

"No more pictures!"
After I took this, I realized my ISO was still set at 1600. I changed it so hopefully from here on out there will be less noise. (Hey....too bad there's not an ISO setting for my house...I could use some less noise.


Zappe Family said...

I get that look from Mitchell all the time. Glad you're figuring out the ISO settings. :) I need to work on that too.

Sarah J. said...

It's good to bribe them with candy- works at my house! :) Cute shot.

Bennett Family said...

aint THAT that truth! i could yuse a bit less noise too.

Photo Amy said...

Fun shot. That's how my kids are when I pull out the camera...most of the time. Bribing or threatening works most of the time.

Melissa said...

Becks would do the same thing if he knew how--there is always a camera in his face. My dad says he is going to think his mom has a huge round black thing for an eye! Great shot.

LisaM said...

How funny!! That's a great face. I like the hand!