Monday, March 24, 2008

Day 22

"Once Upon A Time...."
So what's causing the graininess in my photos? I need to lower the ISO? I'll have to do some expirementing on a non-moving subject.


Sarah J. said...

Love this photo and the concept. The composition is GREAT! It doesn't look too grainy when it's viewed smaller but if I click on it to enlarge it, it does have a lot of "noise." When was this photo taken? It looks like it was by a door or window?

Bennett Family said...

precious! love it.

Shannon said...

This was at around 5:00 pm. She's sitting near our sliding glass door. I think (if I'm reading the camera correctly) it was at ISO 1600. I took it with Av setting low as it would go, 4.0.

Sarah J. said...

Try the picture again... this time, set your ISO to 400 and f-stop to 5.6. 1600 is way too high. That's probably why you're getting the graininess.

Zappe Family said...

Such a sweet photo of her. She's a princess!

Lynette said...

I love this picture! :)

Photo Amy said...

Very sweet.

Daina Crowell said...

I kind of like the graininess, it is more storybook like. You really got it with this one. Composition is GREAT!

Leslie Behunin said...

I like the light coming in from the window! It add's to the whole "imagination" idea!